Our Services

Compensation Law
We have significant experience and expertise in dealing with all types of compensation claims. We understand that accidents can cause long-lasting

Employment /workplace Law
The workplace can be fraught with emotion, yet it is important for employers and employees to look beyond their differences and find practical and commercially viable solutions.

Family Law
As a family firm, we value all types of families, and are sensitive and respectful of your family’s individual needs.

Wills and Estates
Making or revising a will is not something most people like to think about however it is extremely important.

Property and Conveyancing
Purchasing or selling a home can be one of the most important and expensive transactions you will ever undertake.

Criminal Law
Occasionally people make decisions or act in ways which result in direct contact with law enforcement agencies.

Traffic Law
It is not uncommon to be summonsed to Court for a traffic offence, be it speeding, causing an accident or drink driving.

Local Court Matters
There are occasions when attempting to resolve a dispute with a neighbour, customer or client requires the intervention of a decision maker, such as the Local Court.

Nsw Civil And Administrative Tribunal
Due to recent changes in legislation, there has been a growth in the number of employees who require Working With Children Clearance checks from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian.